Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published its study, which shows the provisional data collected on the safety of kovid injections and claims that they are also quite suitable for pregnant women. However, careful data analysis demonstrates the horror of 4 out of 5 women who have had a miscarriage.
The study is called Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons and covers data from December 14, 2020 to February 28, 2021, using several reporting systems, including VAERS. The authors of the study come to the following conclusion:
Temporary findings do not show convincing anxiety signals among pregnant women after mRNA vaccination. However, even more research and more women involved in injecting in early pregnancy are needed to draw conclusions about the outcome both during the period itself and after the birth of the babies.
In general, such an opinion alone is a matter of serious concern, because it is clear, however, that these are only provisional data and that absolutely nothing is known about what will happen to those children who will notice the birth.
The authors of the study base their statement that everything is in order on the data, which can be seen in Table 4. Namely, it says that out of 827 participants, pregnancy ended with the birth of a live baby in 712 cases or 86.1%. However, in 104 cases or 12.6% of cases, miscarriage was recorded. There is another case of stillbirth.
I wonder if 12.6% of miscarriages are really something in themselves that can be ignored and allowed to squirt peacefully?
However, if you look closely at the same table in detail, you will see another text in small print. It says that out of 827 women, 700 received vaccine in the third trimester of pregnancy - from 27 to 40 weeks. But miscarriage is practically possible for up to 20 weeks, because after that it is another concept - stillbirth.
As a result, only 127 women received the first dose at a time when miscarriage is possible - and 104 have experienced it. As a result, miscarriage has occurred in 82% of cases.
However, with this small but very important manipulation, the authors show that vaccines are safe, although for the whole number it does not look like that. But what happens to vaccinated women in the first weeks of pregnancy generally looks like genocide.